Inhabiting the Father – Part 2



How Close is Close?

He has created you out of a part of Himself. You’re made of Him. He is one with you. You are living your life as a part of Him with capabilities of making your own decisions and living your own lifestyle — all from within Him. That’s the beauty of creation.

You always have a free choice to do whatever you want — a free will, if you will. However, the Father’s plan is altogether different. I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that His plans were, are and will always be absolutely perfect! He put everything in His Son. He created everything for Jesus. He designed and created everything to be held together in Jesus. That includes you, me and all of creation.

He would rather Jesus live through you in order to reveal all the glory of creation that the Father brought about in His infinite wisdom. Rather than explore eternity through the wandering eyes of unfamiliarity, wouldn’t you rather Jesus manifest eternity through you? That is what we were created for in the first place. In Eden, fellowship with God was meant to maintain consciousness of Him.

Have you ever wondered why they took their relationship with God in the Garden so casually? You can tell by the way they conversed with Him. He was more of a friend to them, someone you’d take for granted; which they eventually did. Their relationship was based on ‘ginōskō’ — the experiential knowledge of each other. It was more formal with Cain and Abel, who ended up wanting to bring offerings to God. It wasn’t that they had to offer anything, it was more like they felt the need to — the after effects of sin.

It’s pretty obvious that the first man did not have ‘reverential awe’ or ‘holy piety’ toward God which we see in most Christians today. That’s simply because their relationship with the Him wasn’t emotional. Emotions are of the flesh. Now I’m not saying its wrong to be emotional. It’s the source that feeds your emotions that’s important here. They had a close, personal relationship which was not marred by the guilt of sin. The only reason Christians are so consciously ‘reverential’ of God today is because they do not see Him as He is. They do not see Him as what He has made them through Jesus or as Jesus does. They behold Him from the fallen position of the ‘old man,’ still in the imperfections and guilt of sin.

Now don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that it’s wrong or unbecoming to revere God or be in awe of Him. It’s not about right or wrong. Its about the position and attitude in which people ‘fear’ God that makes all the difference. Your attitude and relationship with God can either cause you to have a fulfilling and free relationship with Him; or it can cause you to observe Him from a distance and remain consciously distant.

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1

Your fellowship and oneness with God is absolute today. The first man had fellowship with God face to face, but today you have a walking, talking relationship with God while consciously living and exploring eternity from within Him.

Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him”. — John 14:23

Jesus said He will send another Helper and He will teach you all things. So you have all of God in you. You are living in God, you can tap into any measure of God. Spending more time with Him deepens that relationship and He reveals more of Himself to you.

Spend more time with Him.

Continued in Part III – What is your reality?

Continued from Part I – Creation Origins?


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