The Bible says that Eternal life is about ‘knowing God.’ It’s one thing to know ‘about’ God, but a whole different experience to ‘know Him’ personally through a living relationship.  

John 17:3 says, 'and this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.' 

The Father doesn’t just want us to ‘study’ Him or get to know about Him as a topic of discussion. He wants us to experience Him and be one with His glory. This is what Adam experienced in the garden. He was in perfect experiential communion with Him. God created us for relationship with Him. 

His love influences every aspect of our lives in every way. He wants us to go deeper into that relationship. The depths of that relationship is where we find the revelation of Him. The deeper we go the more of Himself He reveals. The deeper we go the more of Him we see. It’s all about relationship and the life that overflows from it.

The Father created us to go deeper and deeper into His heart. He wants us to live in Him and through Him. 

Life Deeper Still is born out of that relationship and revelation birthed in the Father.. Our passion is to encourage every son of God to experience the Father for who He is.

Our heart — Encourage each person to experience Father God  for who He is. 

About Life Deeper Still

You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth

— what people are saying —

Wall of Love