Top Reads

Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!

Praying in tongues is praying in the Spirit… Praying in the Spirit can also be by revelation. 

Tongues: Manifest your eternal perfect future!

Eternal Life, Lifestyle

The Book of Jude tells us to ‘keep ourselves in the Love of God…’ God’s love assures us of His ever-abounding fulness in our life.

Being the Beloved of God

Identity, Oneness

The New Man is predominately spiritual, just as Adam was before the fall. He wasn’t as conscious of the physical realm as he was of his spiritual nature.

Being a Portal of Gods Glory

Eternal Life, Oneness

It’s the fruit of the Spirit.. it’s not our fruit! The fruit of the Spirit is not ours to bear – it is the Spirit of God within us who bears the fruit and manifests it.

Fruit of the Spirit, a by-product!

Identity, Lifestyle

The Rest of God is the state of existence in which you exercise more faith than when you’re trying to do so consciously.

Entering into the Rest of God!

Eternal Life, Lifestyle, Oneness

If someone you know tells you something you know is a lie, you’d pass it off as what it really is – a lie.

Mindset of Lies!


We can only truly love God with His kind of Love, if we have experienced His love first.

Gods Love is not an intellectual experience


You cannot be any more like Jesus than you are now. You are exactly as He is…

You are One with the Spirit of Life

Eternal Life, Identity, Oneness

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought about condemnation and guilt in man.

Tree of Life

Eternal Life, Lifestyle

We are hidden with Christ IN the Father. We emanate Spiritual life to the physical world around us.

Living in the Father

Eternal Life, Identity, Oneness

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