Inhabiting the Father – Part 3

Lifestyle, Oneness


What is Your Reality?

The bible was written by men. It was the experiences of men who spent their lives in relationship with God. It is written to show us what God does, not to reveal who He is. The revelation of Him comes through an intimate, personal relationship. He is a person. He reveals Himself through His Holy Spirit in us.

You are one with God. You are so one with Him that whatever He does, He does through you. You are a portal that unleashes an eternal reality into this physical world.

However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.. — Romans 8:9

Your primary reality is not this physical world. This physical world is supposed to benefit from your Spiritual reality. You are in this world but not from this world. (John 15:19; 17:14-16; Philippians 3:20) Jesus wants to change the way you think, the way you reason, which in turn will change your reality into the being you truly are. Your physical world and everything about you gets influenced by your Spiritual reality.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. — John 3:6

The New Man is born of Water and Spirit, not of flesh anymore. You are born of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus was. You are born of God. Your nature is Spirit. You thrive in a reality that is not visible to the physical eyes. Your reality is governed by what you know. What you know, is governed by what is revealed to you in your oneness with Jesus. What is revealed to you comes by your conscious awareness of who He is. You are ‘as He is!’ (1John 4:17)

You manifest Jesus to this physical world. A perfect nature. A power so tangible, that anything you touch gets saturated by it. Power flows into anything or anyone you touch. It’s not something mystical. This is life. He is living through you, blessing anyone you come in contact with. So, whenever you’re interacting with someone, God is actually blessing someones life — it’s innate.

God designed you to be that channel, to let Him be God through you. You are the beneficiary. You are going to experience the glory of God. This is what God intended in the first place. You are not going to get glory from some external source, you are one with glory. You just made yourself aware of who you truly are. You already have it. Glory is not going to come when you decide to be aware of it. It’s already there. He is the Spirit in you. You are actually manifesting it, radiating it emanating it.

This is the habitation of God. You are always in Him. You never left Him. You can’t be born-again and have ever left God. He is soaking and saturating you. Everyone is in God. The difference between you — the born-again believer — and the ‘uninformed’ person who doesn’t know Jesus, is that, your Life is Jesus. He is living your life. (Galatians 2:20) You have come to the Father, to an Eternal glorious life where there is no separation in any form. You have come into a conscious awareness of the Father and He is revealing Himself to you through life.

You are in oneness with Jesus. You are in the Father. You have glory packed in your being. You are one with glory and power. This glory and power will also manifest at your will. When you decide (or believe) to let it out, thats when it radiates out of you. God will not force himself through you. You can decide to just live in the habitation of God, the place of glory and abundance. It’ll still be fine, but you won’t be comfortable holding it all in.

The bible was written by men. It was the experiences of men who spent their lives in relationship with God. It is written to show us what God does, not to reveal who He is. The revelation of Him comes through an intimate, personal relationship. He is a person. He reveals Himself through His Holy Spirit in us.

You are one with God. You are so one with Him that whatever He does, He does through you. You are a portal that unleashes an eternal reality into this physical world.

And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. — Ephesians 1:22,23

The Body is the fulness of Jesus. When Jesus decided to be Saviour of mankind, He made it His purpose to be completed by us. Don’t misunderstand this — it’s not as though He needs us — no, He wants us. Its not an arrogant thing to say so. Love compelled that decision. It’s was a desire birthed of love. Imagine Jesus saying, ‘you complete me!’ The Father gave the Church to Jesus as His bride. He made us for Jesus. Jesus completes us and vice-versa. In Him we live and move and have our being. He is our habitation. The Father put us in Jesus to bring us into Him. He made us one with Jesus to enjoy all of Him.

Enjoy Him.


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Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
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Living from Eternity
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You are a Supernatural Being
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