Inhabiting the Father – Part 4

Identity, Oneness


The Renewed Mind

Life is about being aware of Him. It takes absolutely NO effort on your part to make yourself aware of Him. He creates that awareness for you. Every time your mind takes you to Him, or you find yourself thinking of God, its Him making you aware. Your response will be to enjoy Him and live Him. This awareness is the experience of the reality of eternity — the experience of the reality of the Father as lived by Jesus. He is making you aware of the Father.

Your mind in the current un-renewed state may not identify with this reality. This is probably because it may not be fed by your ‘new being’ as much as it should be. So if you’re thinking of limitations, it is most definitely your mind creating reason and logical barriers as it has been trained to for a long time.

I kept slipping in and out of this reality every time I got busy doing things other than spending time with the Father. Every time I shifted my focus on work or anything else that required me to use my mind, I’d find myself thinking ‘carnally.’ So the Father said, ‘get out of your mind.’

Your mind may still feed you information according to the un-renewed thought process of the old nature. Habits, mindsets, thought patterns, fears, etc. may govern the physical mind based on circumstantial  information. The life you’ve been living for as long as you have, or the information you’ve accumulated on a daily basis in your un-renewed mind, trigger reactions which may inevitably cause you to doubt the things of the Spirit.

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. – Ephesians 4:23

It says to ‘be renewed’ in the way we think. It doesn’t say, ‘renew your mind.’ Jesus wants to change the way you think. That’s one of the joys of the Holy Spirit, to manifest Jesus in you. Allow Jesus to change your mind about the Father. The more you behold the Father, the more of Him you see, changes your reality. This is what ‘being renewed in the spirit of your mind is about.’

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things… But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. — 1 John 2:20, 27

You are made one with the Spirit. You are one with God. You will know whatever you need to know when you need to know it.

When we read the Bible, we tend to try and understand it with our minds and hope that the new man will catch up to the understanding of our thinking. It’s like trying to understand the Bible with our heads in the hope that it’ll sink into our hearts and then we’ll just believe it. It seems a bit lop-sided.

Revelation does not begin in the mind, it is imparted to your being. Revelation is simply, ‘God revealing Himself to you.’

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 16:15-17

Peter knew Jesus was the Christ. He didn’t have to think about it. It wasn’t something he figured out in his head. Jesus told him the source of that knowledge — it was the Father who revealed it to him. It was revealed to his being and his mind caught up to the revelation. That’s how God speaks. He speaks in your being, so your mind can agree with what He’s saying.

Knowledge is something you can chose to filter through your perspective and decide how to use it. But when God says something, it is spiritual knowledge that comes from within. Its like something you know rather than something you’ve heard. God-speak is not a conventional method of communication. It’s not as though He says something with His mouth and you hear Him with your ears. God-speak, simply put, is Him changing your perception and proposing an altercation of your reality. When He says something, you ‘know’ everything He wants you to know in a flash, in the blink of an eye. It’s not as though He speaks sentences which gets processed by your brain before you come to understand it. You just know what He wants you to know. You know what He’s saying.

Just like understanding, you have a choice to accept or reject it. But knowing that Jesus just said something to change your reality is enough to let Him make it happen, although it is still your decision.

This is the habitation of God, where you experience Him as your reality. You are IN Him, you are surrounded and soaked in Him, experiencing all that He is. He is continually revealing Himself. The more aware you are of the Father, the more you find the revelation of Him become your life. He is living Himself through you.

You don’t need to psych yourselves into hearing Him. He always makes the first move. All you need to do is respond. He initiates the relationship. Jesus is living through you. He always brings you back into awareness of Him so you don’t lose consciousness of Him. When you find yourself thinking about Him, its actually Him initiating awareness – so go deeper, get more intimate.

You cannot exist outside of Jesus. There’s no such thing. Being one with Jesus is what makes you a new creation. He is your habitation. Inhabiting Him is what makes you who you are. This physical life is supposed to be a saturation of who you truly are — spirit. God in you, one with you. Your work life is you, it is in Him. Everything you are into, is you, in Him.

When the Father told me to get out of my mind, He was in effect telling me that I am still thinking and over-analysing things. My mind needs to catch up to who I truly am. I’m ‘stepping in and out’ of my true reality by thinking and reasoning things. The Father was simply saying to stay focused on what He was telling me which will keep me focused on who I am. Its about feeding my mind with the reality of my true nature.

Be aware that you are one with Jesus because He is one with you. You are so in the Father, that this physical world is the beneficiary of your true nature and what you bring to it.

There is no distinction between your spirit, soul and body. Why create one? You are one entire being. All of you is you. All of you is in Jesus. All of you is one with Jesus. When you know who you are, your body catches up to you, without having to focus on it as an independent entity.

When you come into contact with people, they come into your habitation because they came into your reality.

Rest. Jesus is ONE with you!

Continued from Part III – What is Your Reality?


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You are a Supernatural Being
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Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
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Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
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Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
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