
Keep Calm and Live!

Fullness of God, Lifestyle


When you inhabit the Father, there is no urgency! There is no pressure to perform or produce. Inhabiting the Father is: living by the Spirit. He produces the fruit – you just go along for the ride and watch Him live through you.

Your life must be a response to His leading. Being led by him never binds you with a need to produce anything. Living in the Spirit means to cooperate with what He is leading you to do, when He wants you to do it – this is when you see the greatest results.

Do whatever you gotta do… cuz when you’re consciously inhabiting the Father, you can’t go wrong. As a son, you’re always led by the Spirit.

Just Live!


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You are a Supernatural Being
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Living from Eternity
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You are a Supernatural Being
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Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
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