
Inhabiting the Father – Part 1



Creation Origins

Most Christians unconsciously live a life of ‘spiritual separation anxiety,’ if such a condition exists. It’s like calling out to a distant God, hoping He hears you. This is religion all over again — a one-sided relationship, in the ‘born-again culture.’

You know God is out there, but you never really hear Him. You keep wondering how long is it going to take before God actually says or does something.

If you’re identifying with this, then I have great news for you.

God is fully aware of what is happening in creation. He is the wonder and awe of everything. God wants you to enjoy creation. He is, in fact, the biggest part of your life. He’s actually living through you.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. – Colossians 1:15

When God began creation, He was always supposed to be ‘the biggest part of it.’ He is creation. He is everything. Everything is made of God. If God was separate (disconnected or independent) from creation, it would mean that He exists in an independent reality. It would mean that creation exists outside of Him and is sustained by another reality or source of life. But we know that’s not the case. Nothing can exist outside of God because He is the very life of every created thing. God is life. Anything outside of Him would cease to exist. Time and space are a reality inside of God. Everything came out of Him. Everything is made out of a part of Himself. You are made of Him. You are so ‘one’ with God, you cannot exist outside of Him.

1Corinthians 6:17 says, ‘But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.’

You are one with Him to the degree that your thoughts are actually His thoughts. All God has to do is to think and you will know what God is saying because you are actually one with Him. This of course, is subject to what you believe. (Matthew 9:29)

You’re probably wondering, how is it that people do stupid things if they are one with God? Is God putting stupid thoughts in their head? That is obviously something that God does not do. God does not force Himself on people. He has obviously not programmed you to follow commands like a robot. He is, however, always talking to you, always in fellowship with you. (John 10:27) It’s all about being aware of Him. That is upto you.

Continued in Part II – How Close is Close?


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