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Know your inheritance as Sons of God, be established in your identity and manifest Heaven on Earth!
You would have read this scripture in the Bible and easily have sailed past it without realising how one word could change its entire meaning. The addition of the word ‘about’ to this verse, changes the very relationship it talks about — ‘knowing You’ misconstrued as ‘knowing about You.’ When christians read this scripture, they almost inevitably, unknowingly and mistakably conclude that it’s talking about gathering information about God — or studying the Bible.
“Knowing You” gives you relationship, making you aware of the Love. Knowing Him establishes you in the beloved. It talks about personally and intimately knowing the Word — Jesus — the person. He brings you closer so that you can relate to Him directly in relationship.
“Knowing about You” makes you more of a theologian — a student of the Bible. The Bible is a book — black and white text on paper. The Word is a person. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that its a bad thing, neither am I undermining the value of theology. I’m merely saying that if I have to choose between learning about God from a book using my mental faculties, versus knowing Him through time spent in relationship, I’d choose the latter. This is exactly what this verse is talking about.
The word ‘know‘ here comes from the greek word ‘ginōskō’ which is a primary verb, meaning to “know” (absolutely). The application and implications are to: allow, be aware (of), feel.
The word ‘know’ used is in Matthew 1:25, in the context of sexual intimacy. In Mark 5:29 it is used in the context of the woman with the issue of blood ‘experiencing’ her healing. The same event described in Luke 8:46 says that, Jesus knew (experienced) power going out of Him to heal that lady. Many other such scriptures describe the experience of God in like manner.
Eternity is not about acquiring information about Jesus or the Father. It is about ONENESS with Him. Eternity is about experiencing the Father. As you spend more time knowing Him, He sensitises you to be more aware of Him. You begin to experience His ways, His voice and His nature. He takes you from one depth of intimacy to the next. You are IN the Father. You are ALWAYS IN the Father. The only way to step out of the reality of the Father is to be so distracted that you lose consciousness of Him. Even then, you are IN Him.
Your consciousness of Him influences your day to day life. Your lifestyle and daily decisions are shaped by that consciousness. He is an experience. When you know you’re IN Him, you live accordingly, it shows. If you’re not as conscious of Him, you tend to try and take control of things and deal with things your way.
On the other hand, if you know that the Father is always leading you (Romans 8:14) and that every decision or choice you make is really made by Jesus, you can rest knowing that you will never go wrong. You become more conscious of the Father’s leading and so acknowledge Him in everything.
I would that both the above be your reality; the joy of a beautiful relationship which motivates you to stay conscious of the Father and always be in conversation with Him. And, that you remain confident that He loves you and always leads you as a son.
You are ONE with Jesus. You in Him and He in you! Inseparable! This reality will always keep you aware and conscious of your eternal being and your eternal nature. It will establish you to the degree that your physical nature diminishes into a secondary state of existence and in-turn draws from the Fulness of the Father which is in Jesus, whom you inhabit.
John 3:36 (KJV) He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
Eternity is not a future event for those who are saved. The moment you get born again, you become one with eternal life because you are now one with the Spirit – you are one with Jesus who is the eternal Son of God!
Time is a physical reality that governs this physical creation. We are now born again into a spiritual state of being. We are spirit (Romans 8:9) – our reality is now of Eternity.
Eternal life is a state of existence in which we are One with Jesus and the Father. We are spiritual beings touching and influencing a physical world from our Eternal Habitation.
Our habitation is now the Father! Jesus brought us into the Father – John 14:6. He is Eternal Life.
Through Jesus we coexist and inhabit every dimension of creation. Our sensitivity to the Father and Jesus determines how we experience these dimensions.
Live Eternal Life now!
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