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Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!

Your reality must not be defined by another persons life or circumstance. You are uniquely created!

Create your own Reality!

Eternal Life

You are born-again of Water and Spirit. By virtue of your new birth, you are IN the Spirit by default.

You are NOT in the Flesh but in the Spirit!


The New Man is predominantly spirit, as it was in the garden. This is how it is supposed to be now.

Your identity is Spirit.


Jesus did a complete work at the Cross. It was a work that manifested in time, but the reality of that event took place before the world was made.

Live in the NOW!

Eternal Life

Set yourself on eternal things, not on worldly stuff. Cuz you’re dead to this world, and you’re hidden with Christ in God.

Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High


The purpose of Jesus coming into this world to save us, was to restore us back to the Father.

Raised to Life

Eternal Life

The human brain receives information from the physical senses. It processes this information to create a reality – this is called our ‘mindset.’

Don’t Think, Be Led!


When you consciously inhabit the Spirit of God, you learn to rest in the reality that He will always place you where you need to be, when you need to be there.

Inhabiting the Spirit?


But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

Dive deep into the Spirit

Eternal Life, Oneness

Numbers are a common occurrence in dreams. Sometimes, the only thing you may see is a number flash across you. Numbers have significance and when interpreted rightly, have profound meaning.

Understanding Dream Interpretations regarding Numbers!
