Discover spiritual truths and unlock your divine potential with the Life Deeper Still Blog. Gain insights on encountering God, living from Heaven’s reality, and manifesting your true identity for a life of abundance and purpose.
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Speaking in tongues is a profound spiritual gift that enables us to connect with God on a supernatural level. More than a form of prayer, it is a divine language, a direct communion with Father God in partnership with the Holy Spirit that transcends human understanding.
Have you ever felt limited by your thoughts, beliefs, or circumstances? What if the reality you see isn’t the full story? You are more than what you perceive with your physical senses. You are a supernatural being, designed to live from the fullness of your true, eternal, new creation identity. Embracing this truth transforms your life, shifting your mindset and opening doors to unimaginable possibilities. In this blog, we’ll explore how to recognize and live from your true nature—the New Creation identity given by Father God. We’ll dive into how aligning your thoughts and consciousness with Kingdom realities allows you to manifest Heaven’s reality here on Earth.
Your reality must not be defined by another person’s life or circumstance. You are uniquely created! You are born to be different from everyone else. God created you to make a difference by being YOU. Your own unique relationship with the Father, through Jesus, enables you to believe Him for anything – no limitations! God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us… – Ephesians 3:20
You are born-again of Water and Spirit. By virtue of your new birth, you are IN the Spirit by default. You are IN the Spirit at all times. He’s the world you now inhabit. There is no other reality for you. Now it’s about cultivating your senses to tune into the realm that we were oblivious to for so long. It’s easy… especially when we come to terms with the truth that we are spirit. Grow in your identity. Know who you are. You are as Jesus is!
You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God inhabits you… – Romans 8:9. The New Man is predominantly spirit, as it was in the garden. This is how it is supposed to be now. Life is about consciously living what you believe. It’s about letting your identity manifest. The flesh is only our point of contact to a physical realm. We are created to live in the Spirit and manifest eternity in the world. Our identity is who Jesus is. We are an exact representation of Him, as He is the exact representation of the Father.
Jesus did a complete work at the Cross. It was a work that manifested in time, but the reality of that event took place before the world was made. Revelation 13:8. God does not see uncertain futures. He creates futures, and the courses of this world. There will be no delay. It will happen in the exact time it is designed to happen because nothing created can hinder its Creator from causing His plan to come to pass. As far as the Father is concerned, it has already happened, and simply the manifestation is what we will see take place.
Set yourself on eternal things, not on worldly stuff. Cuz you’re dead to this world, and you’re hidden with Christ in God. – Colossians 3:2,3. As you’re living in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit also. – Galatians 5:25. The Father, in his infinite love and manifest wisdom, put us in Jesus in order to save us. Jesus is our salvation. He’s not some external entity working in conjunction with humanity, independent of creation. Creation was made for and through Jesus – in Him and by Him. He is everything. The Father put everything in His Son. Creation is held together by Him. Colossians 1:16,17.
The purpose of Jesus coming into this world to save us, was to restore us back to the Father. The Father is life and He gave Jesus to have life in Himself. Our communion and oneness with Him is Life. When we were separated from God by a nature that was not His, we were dead. There was no life in us. In God’s reality, anything that is not in oneness and communion with Him is dead. He is life.
The human brain receives information from the physical senses. It processes this information to create a reality – this is called our ‘mindset.’ This reality plays out in daily life. The decisions we make everyday are based on our mindset. From the time we were born, our minds have been trained to think, based on the information our brain has received. This information has come from the world around us. By default, we live according to the ways of the world.
When you consciously inhabit the Spirit of God, you learn to rest in the reality that He will always place you where you need to be, when you need to be there. Because you are one with the Spirit of Jesus, and have the mind of Christ, you live in union with His will. Living in the Spirit is about intimacy with the Father and Jesus. Your time with Him enriches your relationship and you begin to see Him as He is. Revelation begins to unfold.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. – John 14:26-27. But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. – 1 Corinthians 6:17. You are one with the Jesus. You are in the Father. You are one with All of God.
Numbers are a common occurrence in dreams. Sometimes, the only thing you may see is a number flash across you. Numbers have significance and when interpreted rightly, have profound meaning. Numbers in dreams can often represent a variety of realities that a person may experience or come across in their day to day lives. They may refer to time (days, months or years, dates), money and finances, house address, age, scriptures of the Bible, and a lot more. They could be added together, subtracted, all depending on how you’re led.
Dogs are common dream elements in many peoples dreams. They appear in all sorts of contexts and have a lot of significance in a persons dream life. Depending on where you stand in your relationship with this species, it can have different meanings. Some people don’t like dogs. Probably because of bad experiences, like being chased or bitten by them. Dogs, to them are a fear factor. When they see dogs in a dream, it generally, although not always, may represent either a fear in their lives or have some other negative connotation. They don’t see dogs as a positive thing because of their experience.
For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man doesn’t perceive it.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, in slumbering on their bed.
Then He opens their ears, and seals their instruction. – Job 33:14-16. It’s amazing how everyone dreams, at some point in time, whether consistently, regularly, every night, or a few dreams spread out over the year. You may have had the same dream playing over and over, some times for over the course of a number of years. Some may have seen the same dream or vision played out differently at different times, but you know it’s the same dream.
Our Eternal Habitation is the Father. We are not only inhabiting Him, but through the Spirit we are One with all of His being. Jesus is in the Father and through Him we have been brought into oneness with the Godhead. He is Eternal Life. When we are conscious of our habitation and the glory we dwell in, it begins to manifest in all forms of amazing blessing. We begin to see manifested victories and successes, simply because we dwell in the Spirit.
Inhabiting the Father means, we now exist in Him. He is our world. In Him, no form of uncertainty exists. Consciously inhabiting Him causes us to walk in His perfect will, because now you cannot do anything that is not of Him. Beholding him assures us that there are no other options in our world other than what the Father desires… Imagine the possibilities and glories of living in oneness with Jesus, IN the Father, through the Spirit. It’s a world of amazing Life.
People worry about what the future may bring. This worry brings insecurity and causes people to act on it. People spend all their time preparing for this ‘uncertain’ future while compromising and sacrificing their present joy and peace. You don’t need to prepare for your future. This is not to say that you shouldn’t save up finances. Our savings are not our security. Jesus is! Be led by the Spirit. Your Father who has blessed your today is also in your future. He is the One who has provided for you today and will be there to provide for you all your life.
…I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances. – Ezekiel 36:26-27 (KJV) A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. – 2Corinthians 5:17.
Isaiah 54:17 says: ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.’ Before Jesus, the enemy had a weapon he could use against us and accusations he could beat down and overcome us with (see previous post)… He is the god of this world (a right he took from Adam) and has dominion over those subject to this world.
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. – Romans 10:4 (KJV) For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. We are no more partakers of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil… we have now come to the Tree of Life. We have come to Jesus. He is Life. Our life is no more about right and wrong choices. The things of this world are not our focus. It’s about living Eternal Life, now. It’s about partaking of eternity – it’s about knowing Jesus and the Father. It’s about manifesting our identity to the world around us.
Everything created waits eagerly in great expectation and longing for the sons of God to manifest their true identity. Creation can experience perfect freedom under the dominion of sons – it was created to serve us. Creation longs to serve the son of God and experience freedom from curse. Being One with Jesus causes glory to manifest to this physical world. As long as our feet touch this world there is hope for blessing and life to flow.
He that is joined to the Lord is One Spirit – 1Corinthians 6:17. The New Man is in absolute oneness with the Father, through Jesus… its inherent! We have the mind of Christ through this oneness. We think and experience the Father through it. By the Spirit within we walk in the will of the Father and manifest all His desires. He lives through us. We experience Eternal Life and Glory by Jesus… we’re IN Him.
Everything physical that is created manifested from the spiritual realm. God spoke and creation materialised. The spiritual and unseen realm is the source from which all physical manifestations take place. This spiritual realm is the habitation of the New Man. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life. He brought us to the Father who is our habitation today. We live and inhabit the Father.
The New Man is predominately spiritual, just as Adam was before the fall. He wasn’t as conscious of the physical realm as he was of his spiritual nature. That’s is why he could see and hear God. He even heard the footsteps of God walking up to him in the garden after he fell. Adam was more aware of his dominion before he fell, than after his eyes opened to the guilt of disobedience. Today, we are one with the Spirit of God. We have been restored to a greater place of authority than before the fall of man. We have been made one with Jesus – He is Life.
The Rest of God is the state of existence in which you exercise more faith than when you’re trying to do so consciously. It is the place in which the Spirit is constantly working out God’s plan through you. In the beginning, God spoke things into creation, on the seventh day He rested, and even until today creation is held together by His Spirit, without Him having to repeat Himself to sustain it. For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. – Hebrews 4:10 (KJV) For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought about condemnation and guilt in man. Man was subjected to a life of choosing between right and wrong. The purpose of life changed from originally enjoying a relationship with God, to having to choose between good and evil to survive. Jesus restored all things to where the New Man is now living in the abundance of life. Jesus is the Tree of Life.
We are hidden with Christ IN the Father. We emanate Spiritual life to the physical world around us. This glorious manifestation takes place when we are consciously inhabiting the Father. He is the source of life. He is life. The fallen world is in need of repair, restoration and reconciliation. We are portals of God’s glory to this dying world. We are the connection between the Spiritual and physical realms. Sons are life-giving spirits. We exude life wherever we go. It’s in our being. It’s the overflow of relationship with the Father that causes this Life to manifest.
The Purpose of Life is relationship with the Father. In that relationship, life finds its meaning. Jesus understood that as He lived and walked the earth. His life and ministry was a product of His relationship with the Father. Jesus came to reconcile us back to the Father and restore the relationship that Adam lost. Life is not primarily about performance and accomplishments, although these are by-products of a healthy relationship with Jesus. We are given a spiritual nature that yearns for eternal revelation – this revelation is the Father.
Our citizenship is from Heaven.. we’re not of this world, just as Jesus is. Our home is the Father. We live and move and have our being IN Him. Abiding in Him gives us the ability and authority to manifest all His glory to this fallen world and proclaim Him. The fabric of our being is soaked in the very life of who He is. We’re made of Him – we’re Spirit. We’re made in His Image and likeness – according to Him in righteousness and true Holiness – Ephesians 4:24 (KJV) And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. We cannot be any more like Him – we’re exactly as He is. We’re His sons.
God exists out of time. He sent Jesus to bring us to Eternal Life. A life that does not subject us to time, but rather empowers us to use time as a tool. Time is a created entity. It came into existence when God created the world. He created it to be an indicator of times and seasons. It was designed to inform- not dictate. The fall perverted this tool to produce the curse of ‘urgency’ which in-turn caused a riptide of negative effects in the lives of man.
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. — John 17:3; You would have read this scripture in the Bible and easily have sailed past it without realising how one word could change its entire meaning. The addition of the word ‘about’ to this verse, changes the very relationship it talks about — ‘knowing You’ misconstrued as ‘knowing about You.’ When christians read this scripture, they almost inevitably, unknowingly and mistakably conclude that it’s talking about gathering information about God — or studying the Bible.