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Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!

When a father loves his child, the child experiences all that love in every way. The Father loves you! It is His good pleasure to make your life perfect in every way.

Take no thought!

Identity, Lifestyle

In Jesus, we are empowered to tread and overcome in every realm and dimension of creation – spiritual and physical.

Nothing is Impossible when you are in Jesus!

Lifestyle, Oneness

When God becomes real to us, we experience a relationship that’s no longer conceptual.

God is a Person


Living in the Spirit is about consciously living by the leading of the Spirit – it’s about living in the knowledge that you’re in Him and He’s in you.

One with the Fulness of God!


When you consciously inhabit the Spirit of God, you learn to rest in the reality that He will always place you where you need to be, when you need to be there.

Inhabiting the Spirit?


Intercessory Prayer is not a desperate call to God for action! It’s a proclamation of God’s perfect will into manifestation, to a physical world.

Intercession: a desperate prayer or a declaration?

Identity, Oneness

Our very existence is in the Father. He is our world. Imagine the very fabric of your existence woven in Him.

In Him, we live, move and have our being!


One of the major roadblocks of living in the eternal purpose of God, is a conscience ridden with guilt and condemnation.

Finished work of the Cross

Eternal Life

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God

Living in & Experiencing the Mind of Christ


So then let no one boast in men. For all things belong to you, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come…

All things are Yours!

Eternal Life, Lifestyle