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Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!

When a father loves his child, the child experiences all that love in every way. The Father loves you! It is His good pleasure to make your life perfect in every way.

Take no thought!

Identity, Lifestyle

In Jesus, we are empowered to tread and overcome in every realm and dimension of creation – spiritual and physical.

Nothing is Impossible when you are in Jesus!

Lifestyle, Oneness

You are born-again of Water and Spirit. By virtue of your new birth, you are IN the Spirit by default.

You are NOT in the Flesh but in the Spirit!


The New Man is predominantly spirit, as it was in the garden. This is how it is supposed to be now.

Your identity is Spirit.


Set yourself on eternal things, not on worldly stuff. Cuz you’re dead to this world, and you’re hidden with Christ in God.

Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High


God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. – 1John 1:5.
Jesus is the true Light, who is everyone’s light…

You are the Light of the World


Anyone who’s in Jesus is one spirit with Him. – 1Corinthians 6:17. He is in oneness with us.

Absolute Oneness, Abundant Life!


The purpose of Jesus coming into this world to save us, was to restore us back to the Father.

Raised to Life

Eternal Life

Jesus died, was buried, He rose to life, ascended to Heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father!

Live in the Fruit of the Cross!


proskyneō – to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore): — worship.

True Worship is a Response!
