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You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth

When a father loves his child, the child experiences all that love in every way. The Father loves you! It is His good pleasure to make your life perfect in every way. When you realise that, you begin to cooperate with His way of doing things and avoid jumping the gun in impatience. He has prepared only goodness in your life-path and all He wants you to do is get to know Him. When you know Him you will begin to identify His nature in you and see His goodness laid out for you. When you identify His nature, you will know how He operates, and that will give you every reason to cooperate with Him.

Take no thought!


When God becomes real to us, we experience a relationship that’s no longer conceptual. He’s not just an idea in our mind anymore. We move past theology and intellectuality, into something more tangible. When God becomes real to us, Bible knowledge just isn’t enough. We are now fed with experiential knowledge – a knowledge that’s personal. We come into oneness with Jesus… the knowledge we receive is now a living conversation. We become one with His thoughts and His being. That’s how He communicates. He’s not a second person anymore. He’s one with our heart and mind. We share His experience of the Father.

God is a Person


Jesus died, was buried, He rose to life, ascended to Heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father! Even when we were dead in sins, He raised us back to life together with Christ, (by grace you are saved;) And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus – Ephesians 2:5,6. Everything Jesus went through… we went through! He became us in all that He suffered, and also in His resurrection and ascension. We were IN Him when He went to the cross. He in us and we in Him. This is our reality today. We are seated with Him at the Father’s right hand.

Live in the Fruit of the Cross!


There are generally 2 sources from where we get information. Our mind receives information from the 5 senses – that’s one source.

Revelation vs Knowledge – Difference?


The human brain receives information from the physical senses. It processes this information to create a reality – this is called our ‘mindset.’ This reality plays out in daily life. The decisions we make everyday are based on our mindset. From the time we were born, our minds have been trained to think, based on the information our brain has received. This information has come from the world around us. By default, we live according to the ways of the world.

Don’t Think, Be Led!


When you consciously inhabit the Spirit of God, you learn to rest in the reality that He will always place you where you need to be, when you need to be there. Because you are one with the Spirit of Jesus, and have the mind of Christ, you live in union with His will. Living in the Spirit is about intimacy with the Father and Jesus. Your time with Him enriches your relationship and you begin to see Him as He is. Revelation begins to unfold.

Inhabiting the Spirit?


One of the major roadblocks of living in the eternal purpose of God, is a conscience ridden with guilt and condemnation. So many Christians remain subdued in unfruitfulness and bondage, simply because they believe they’ve blown it and are now unworthy of living in Fulness. Dead works are simply ‘anything that are unproductive, vain or unfruitful to you and God.’ When Jesus died on the Cross and rose to victory, He set us free from a carnal conscience. He became the fulfilment of every requirement of God in our place.

Finished work of the Cross

Fullness of God

People worry about what the future may bring. This worry brings insecurity and causes people to act on it. People spend all their time preparing for this ‘uncertain’ future while compromising and sacrificing their present joy and peace. You don’t need to prepare for your future. This is not to say that you shouldn’t save up finances. Our savings are not our security. Jesus is! Be led by the Spirit. Your Father who has blessed your today is also in your future. He is the One who has provided for you today and will be there to provide for you all your life.

God is in Your Future!

Fullness of God

If you’re living by Grace then your efforts have no value anymore… – Romans 11:6 (KJV) And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. Grace is when God initiates everything in your life, and completes it Himself. You are simply a passenger going along for the ride. No doubt, whatever God does, He does it through you. But He orchestrates the options laid before you and manifests the perfect working of His plan by His Spirit through you.

Grace, a carrier to manifest the fulness of God

Fullness of God

And out of His fulness we have all received abounding grace – John 1:16 (KJV) And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. He is Everything. He is Fulness. The Fulness of God is where everything exists. He created everything out of Himself. Out of Fulness, creation manifested. In the Fulness, we find His Grace through which have all things. There is no lack in God’s Fulness. The New Man is created to inhabit this Fulness in which we live and thrive. It’s a state of being complete in Him – we are Full of all things.

Enjoying the Fulness of God

Fullness of God

He that is joined to the Lord is One Spirit – 1Corinthians 6:17. The New Man is in absolute oneness with the Father, through Jesus… its inherent! We have the mind of Christ through this oneness. We think and experience the Father through it. By the Spirit within we walk in the will of the Father and manifest all His desires. He lives through us. We experience Eternal Life and Glory by Jesus… we’re IN Him.

Living in Oneness with the Father

Fullness of God

The Book of Jude tells us to ‘keep ourselves in the Love of God…’ God’s love assures us of His ever-abounding fulness in our life. He is always for us. He is not the hide-and-go-seek kind of father. He said that He will never leave us nor forsake us. if we realise and experience the kind of love He has for us, we will realise that He is never more than a heartbeat away from us. We are his heartbeat! We are so loved by Him, every thought in His mind is about us.

Being the Beloved of God


It’s the fruit of the Spirit.. it’s not our fruit! The fruit of the Spirit is not ours to bear – it is the Spirit of God within us who bears the fruit and manifests it. All that’s required from us is to let Him do it! We are made one with the Spirit of God. That is what being born again means. We have received the Life of God and now we are one with that Life. The Fruit Of The Spirit are by-products of being born again. We cannot be filled with the Spirit and not be filled with the fruit. It’s another thing, that we tend to interfere with the manifestation of the fruit – but it’s all placed within our being.

Fruit of the Spirit, a by-product!


The Rest of God is the state of existence in which you exercise more faith than when you’re trying to do so consciously. It is the place in which the Spirit is constantly working out God’s plan through you. In the beginning, God spoke things into creation, on the seventh day He rested, and even until today creation is held together by His Spirit, without Him having to repeat Himself to sustain it. For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. – Hebrews 4:10 (KJV) For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Entering into the Rest of God!

Fullness of God

Romans 8:38-39 (KJV) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We can only truly love God with His kind of Love, if we have experienced His love first. His love is not an emotional love. It may evoke emotions in us when we experience Him, but it’s not emotional when He pours it out. Emotions are a human response.

Gods Love is not an intellectual experience


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought about condemnation and guilt in man. Man was subjected to a life of choosing between right and wrong. The purpose of life changed from originally enjoying a relationship with God, to having to choose between good and evil to survive. Jesus restored all things to where the New Man is now living in the abundance of life. Jesus is the Tree of Life.

Tree of Life

Fullness of God

We are hidden with Christ IN the Father. We emanate Spiritual life to the physical world around us. This glorious manifestation takes place when we are consciously inhabiting the Father. He is the source of life. He is life. The fallen world is in need of repair, restoration and reconciliation. We are portals of God’s glory to this dying world. We are the connection between the Spiritual and physical realms. Sons are life-giving spirits. We exude life wherever we go. It’s in our being. It’s the overflow of relationship with the Father that causes this Life to manifest.

Living in the Father

Fullness of God

The Purpose of Life is relationship with the Father. In that relationship, life finds its meaning. Jesus understood that as He lived and walked the earth. His life and ministry was a product of His relationship with the Father. Jesus came to reconcile us back to the Father and restore the relationship that Adam lost. Life is not primarily about performance and accomplishments, although these are by-products of a healthy relationship with Jesus. We are given a spiritual nature that yearns for eternal revelation – this revelation is the Father.

Live out your true purpose!

Fullness of God

Grace is about God and His nature. It is not a concept, neither is it something that can be understood through our mental faculties. The true revelation of grace comes by a relationship with the Father through Jesus. Grace is an experience of the goodness of God. It is something we are living in, as new creation. Grace is the life of the New Man.

Grace: An experience of the goodness of God


If you’re born-again, you are IN eternal life. You’re not going to ‘get’ eternal life, or ‘enter’ into it. You are IN Him. He is Life. You cannot have any more life than you do now. You are One with Him. He is One with you. Life is not a journey of ‘surviving’ this world or going through the motions. It’s not about doing your thing until one fine day you ‘graduate’ to heaven. Life is about experiencing the heart of the Father and seeing Him for all that He is. It’s about experiencing Him. It’s about ‘knowing’ Him in a living, personal relationship as a son. It’s about knowing Jesus the perfect Son and Lord.

Life – a journey of experiencing Eternity and manifesting it.


This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. — John 17:3; You would have read this scripture in the Bible and easily have sailed past it without realising how one word could change its entire meaning. The addition of the word ‘about’ to this verse, changes the very relationship it talks about — ‘knowing You’ misconstrued as ‘knowing about You.’ When christians read this scripture, they almost inevitably, unknowingly and mistakably conclude that it’s talking about gathering information about God — or studying the Bible.

The Experiential Relationship of God

Fullness of God

Most Christians unconsciously live a life of ‘spiritual separation anxiety,’ if such a condition exists. It’s like calling out to a distant God, hoping He hears you. This is religion all over again — a one-sided relationship, in the ‘born-again culture.’ You know God is out there, but you never really hear Him. You keep wondering how long is it going to take before God actually says or does something.

Inhabiting the Father – Part 1


He has created you out of a part of Himself. You’re made of Him. He is one with you. You are living your life as a part of Him with capabilities of making your own decisions and living your own lifestyle — all from within Him. That’s the beauty of creation.
You always have a free choice to do whatever you want — a free will, if you will. However, the Father’s plan is altogether different. I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that His plans were, are and will always be absolutely perfect! He put everything in His Son. He created everything for Jesus. He designed and created everything to be held together in Jesus. That includes you, me and all of creation.

Inhabiting the Father – Part 2


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