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Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!
Freedom & Abundance is Your's to have!

And out of His fulness we have all received abounding grace – John 1:16 (KJV) And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.

Enjoying the Fulness of God

Eternal Life

The Rest of God is the state of existence in which you exercise more faith than when you’re trying to do so consciously.

Entering into the Rest of God!

Eternal Life, Lifestyle, Oneness

If someone you know tells you something you know is a lie, you’d pass it off as what it really is – a lie.

Mindset of Lies!


You cannot be any more like Jesus than you are now. You are exactly as He is…

You are One with the Spirit of Life

Eternal Life, Identity, Oneness

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought about condemnation and guilt in man.

Tree of Life

Eternal Life, Lifestyle

We are hidden with Christ IN the Father. We emanate Spiritual life to the physical world around us.

Living in the Father

Eternal Life, Identity, Oneness

Righteousness is a state of being. It is our nature and the most fundamental attribute of our New Creation Identity.

Righteousness: A State of Being


‘And this is eternal life, that they might know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.’

Life – a journey of experiencing Eternity and manifesting it.


My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.

Holy Communion

Eternal Life, Oneness

Your reality is your Spiritual nature — the New man, created according to God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:24) 

Don’t Mind Me
