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You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth

And out of His fulness we have all received abounding grace – John 1:16 (KJV) And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. He is Everything. He is Fulness. The Fulness of God is where everything exists. He created everything out of Himself. Out of Fulness, creation manifested. In the Fulness, we find His Grace through which have all things. There is no lack in God’s Fulness. The New Man is created to inhabit this Fulness in which we live and thrive. It’s a state of being complete in Him – we are Full of all things.

Enjoying the Fulness of God

Fullness of God

The Rest of God is the state of existence in which you exercise more faith than when you’re trying to do so consciously. It is the place in which the Spirit is constantly working out God’s plan through you. In the beginning, God spoke things into creation, on the seventh day He rested, and even until today creation is held together by His Spirit, without Him having to repeat Himself to sustain it. For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. – Hebrews 4:10 (KJV) For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Entering into the Rest of God!

Fullness of God

If someone you know tells you something you know is a lie, you’d pass it off as what it really is – a lie. You know better than to believe lies. Even though it was told you, and you heard it, it still remains a lie. You’d have to act on it to make happen. Until you do something about it, it remains unproductive. In the same way, our mind has been trained over the years to believe what this physical world tells us, instead of what God tells us by His Spirit and Word. We’ve come to believe that the physical, more tangible world is our primary source of information and truth – IT’S NOT. Our world is Eternity. That’s our truth.

Mindset of Lies!


You cannot be any more like Jesus than you are now. You are exactly as He is… He destroyed all imperfections, weakness and flaws at the cross. He became our inadequacies so we could be complete. You are perfect in everything. You are flawless, whole, indestructible. You are one with the Spirit of Life. You are soaking abundant Life. There is no deterioration or decay of any form in Abundant Life.

You are One with the Spirit of Life


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought about condemnation and guilt in man. Man was subjected to a life of choosing between right and wrong. The purpose of life changed from originally enjoying a relationship with God, to having to choose between good and evil to survive. Jesus restored all things to where the New Man is now living in the abundance of life. Jesus is the Tree of Life.

Tree of Life

Fullness of God

We are hidden with Christ IN the Father. We emanate Spiritual life to the physical world around us. This glorious manifestation takes place when we are consciously inhabiting the Father. He is the source of life. He is life. The fallen world is in need of repair, restoration and reconciliation. We are portals of God’s glory to this dying world. We are the connection between the Spiritual and physical realms. Sons are life-giving spirits. We exude life wherever we go. It’s in our being. It’s the overflow of relationship with the Father that causes this Life to manifest.

Living in the Father

Fullness of God

Righteousness is a state of being. It is our nature and the most fundamental attribute of our New Creation Identity. This righteousness helps us get into a personal relationship with Jesus because we know He sees us as He is. As citizens of Heaven our very nature is manifested in this world from that seat of ‘true righteousness and holiness.’ When we realise the righteousness we have been established in, our confidence to dominate this physical reality grows. This is our Identity.

Righteousness: A State of Being


If you’re born-again, you are IN eternal life. You’re not going to ‘get’ eternal life, or ‘enter’ into it. You are IN Him. He is Life. You cannot have any more life than you do now. You are One with Him. He is One with you. Life is not a journey of ‘surviving’ this world or going through the motions. It’s not about doing your thing until one fine day you ‘graduate’ to heaven. Life is about experiencing the heart of the Father and seeing Him for all that He is. It’s about experiencing Him. It’s about ‘knowing’ Him in a living, personal relationship as a son. It’s about knowing Jesus the perfect Son and Lord.

Life – a journey of experiencing Eternity and manifesting it.


Jesus’ body was broken and bruised for our perfect physical health. It’s for perfect health today – not later – not after we pass from this world. It’s for abundance physical life now.

Our Eternal Life has begun. It is not a future event! The bread we partake of, is a remembrance of our oneness with Him as His body was bruised for healing. He suffered physically so we should not. He suffered our sickness and infirmity. We were in Him when He was bruised and crucified. He went through all that He did as us!

Holy Communion

Fullness of God

Your mind may periodically paint a reality with information it gathers from our physical world and it’s different from what your Father tells you. It’s not the truth and it doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter if it comes into your mind, it doesn’t matter if you still think about it. You are spirit — that’s your reality. That’s all you know, and it’s all that matters. Your reality is what your new nature tells you, not what your mind says!

Don’t Mind Me


God exists out of time. He sent Jesus to bring us to Eternal Life. A life that does not subject us to time, but rather empowers us to use time as a tool. Time is a created entity. It came into existence when God created the world. He created it to be an indicator of times and seasons. It was designed to inform- not dictate. The fall perverted this tool to produce the curse of ‘urgency’ which in-turn caused a riptide of negative effects in the lives of man.

Time – A created entity!

Fullness of God

However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you… and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority… — Romans 8:9; Colossians 2:10. This world can add nothing to you, and it can take nothing away from you! You are spirit. Your existence is Spirit. Your physical presence here is the connecting link between Eternity and this physical world. Physical creation manifested out of Eternity.

Jesus Completes You

Fullness of God

The bible was written by men. It was the experiences of men who spent their lives in relationship with God. It is written to show us what God does, not to reveal who He is. The revelation of Him comes through an intimate, personal relationship. He is a person. He reveals Himself through His Holy Spirit in us. You are one with God. You are so one with Him that whatever He does, He does through you. You are a portal that unleashes an eternal reality into this physical world.

Inhabiting the Father – Part 3


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