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Explore your Spiritual Identity & Live a Supernatural Lifestyle

— life deeper still blog —

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You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walk Out Heaven's Reality on Earth
You are a Supernatural Being
One with God
Joint-Heir with Christ
Living from Eternity
Walking Out Heaven's Reality on Earth

What’s it like when you ‘spend time with God?’ Do you read the bible or play some music? Or both? Maybe read up on some good books? Listen to messages? Praise and Worship? Or do you ‘spend time with God’? When you’re spending time with your fiancé or spouse, would you read a book or biography of him/her? You’d probably do that when they’re not around (if at all) or just think about them. There’s a time for reading and listening to messages and the Bible… and it’s very beneficial. This is the time we catch up on knowing about God and what He’s about. We learn from the experiences of people, and their lives.

Relationship with God is your Doctrine!


The human brain receives information from the physical senses. It processes this information to create a reality – this is called our ‘mindset.’ This reality plays out in daily life. The decisions we make everyday are based on our mindset. From the time we were born, our minds have been trained to think, based on the information our brain has received. This information has come from the world around us. By default, we live according to the ways of the world.

Don’t Think, Be Led!


When you consciously inhabit the Spirit of God, you learn to rest in the reality that He will always place you where you need to be, when you need to be there. Because you are one with the Spirit of Jesus, and have the mind of Christ, you live in union with His will. Living in the Spirit is about intimacy with the Father and Jesus. Your time with Him enriches your relationship and you begin to see Him as He is. Revelation begins to unfold.

Inhabiting the Spirit?


Intercessory Prayer is not a desperate call to God for action! It’s a proclamation of God’s perfect will into manifestation, to a physical world. It’s the pronouncement of God’s will, by sons, in union with the Spirit, that manifests spiritual realities. Sons inhabit the Spirit – in the state of existence where all things are perfect and complete. From that state of being, we declare what must take place in the physical realm!

Intercession: a desperate prayer or a declaration?


Numbers are a common occurrence in dreams. Sometimes, the only thing you may see is a number flash across you. Numbers have significance and when interpreted rightly, have profound meaning. Numbers in dreams can often represent a variety of realities that a person may experience or come across in their day to day lives. They may refer to time (days, months or years, dates), money and finances, house address, age, scriptures of the Bible, and a lot more. They could be added together, subtracted, all depending on how you’re led.

Understanding Dream Interpretations regarding Numbers!


Dogs are common dream elements in many peoples dreams. They appear in all sorts of contexts and have a lot of significance in a persons dream life. Depending on where you stand in your relationship with this species, it can have different meanings. Some people don’t like dogs. Probably because of bad experiences, like being chased or bitten by them. Dogs, to them are a fear factor. When they see dogs in a dream, it generally, although not always, may represent either a fear in their lives or have some other negative connotation. They don’t see dogs as a positive thing because of their experience.

Understanding Dreams & Dream Interpretation 101!


For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man doesn’t perceive it.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, in slumbering on their bed.
Then He opens their ears, and seals their instruction. – Job 33:14-16. It’s amazing how everyone dreams, at some point in time, whether consistently, regularly, every night, or a few dreams spread out over the year. You may have had the same dream playing over and over, some times for over the course of a number of years. Some may have seen the same dream or vision played out differently at different times, but you know it’s the same dream.

Dreams, Visions and Interpretations!


The Bible is not given to us as simply study material… it’s supposed to change our reality!

Studying the Bible to get information, or to preach an interesting Sunday message isn’t going to change you… it’ll just give you head knowledge – more theology! The Word is living and active. It’s a creative and transforming life force that changes and manifests realities. The Word is a person! He is Jesus. He’s not a topic of discourse or subject material to dissect. He’s a world of Glory – He’s an experience of life.

Theology or Relationship?


Everything physical that is created manifested from the spiritual realm. God spoke and creation materialised. The spiritual and unseen realm is the source from which all physical manifestations take place. This spiritual realm is the habitation of the New Man. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life. He brought us to the Father who is our habitation today. We live and inhabit the Father.

Realm of Habitation for the New Man

Eternal Life

The New Man has a new heart and a new Spirit… The New heart is not the old deceitful heart of the old man. It is the heart of Jesus that runs after the Father. It is the heart that yearns for more of the Father. After being born again our desires have changed. No more do we desire the dead things of the world. Physical habits may cause worldly things to still look attractive and lucrative, but in our hearts we know we don’t desire it.

New Heart to access the power of Life

Eternal Life

Praying in tongues is praying in the Spirit… Praying in the Spirit can also be by revelation.
It’s when the New Man prays. The New Man is born of water and the Spirit… we are spiritual beings. When we pray in tongues, we speak out mysteries of God into manifestation! Speaking in tongues is when the we ‘call forth those things that be not, as though they are’ by the Spirit. Every audible word bypasses the physical mind and materialises spiritual realities in our favour! The logical mind doesn’t need to comprehend spiritual realities unless necessary – that’s when the interpretation of tongues is given.

Tongues: Manifest your eternal perfect future!

Eternal Life

The New Man is predominately spiritual, just as Adam was before the fall. He wasn’t as conscious of the physical realm as he was of his spiritual nature. That’s is why he could see and hear God. He even heard the footsteps of God walking up to him in the garden after he fell. Adam was more aware of his dominion before he fell, than after his eyes opened to the guilt of disobedience. Today, we are one with the Spirit of God. We have been restored to a greater place of authority than before the fall of man. We have been made one with Jesus – He is Life.

Being a Portal of Gods Glory

Eternal Life

If someone you know tells you something you know is a lie, you’d pass it off as what it really is – a lie. You know better than to believe lies. Even though it was told you, and you heard it, it still remains a lie. You’d have to act on it to make happen. Until you do something about it, it remains unproductive. In the same way, our mind has been trained over the years to believe what this physical world tells us, instead of what God tells us by His Spirit and Word. We’ve come to believe that the physical, more tangible world is our primary source of information and truth – IT’S NOT. Our world is Eternity. That’s our truth.

Mindset of Lies!


We can only believe information we have received. There are only two sources of information – the physical world, and the Father. The world can only give us information about the physical realm. It cannot reveal Spiritual realities. Only the Spirit can give us Revelation about Eternity – our identity and Jesus! Our belief system is a product of the information we receive, and our lives are a product of our belief system!

Your Life is a product of what you believe

Eternal Life

When you inhabit the Father, there is no urgency! There is no pressure to perform or produce. Inhabiting the Father is: living by the Spirit. He produces the fruit – you just go along for the ride and watch Him live through you. Your life must be a response to His leading. Being led by him never binds you with a need to produce anything. Living in the Spirit means to cooperate with what He is leading you to do, when He wants you to do it – this is when you see the greatest results.

Keep Calm and Live!

Eternal Life

If you’re born-again, you are IN eternal life. You’re not going to ‘get’ eternal life, or ‘enter’ into it. You are IN Him. He is Life. You cannot have any more life than you do now. You are One with Him. He is One with you. Life is not a journey of ‘surviving’ this world or going through the motions. It’s not about doing your thing until one fine day you ‘graduate’ to heaven. Life is about experiencing the heart of the Father and seeing Him for all that He is. It’s about experiencing Him. It’s about ‘knowing’ Him in a living, personal relationship as a son. It’s about knowing Jesus the perfect Son and Lord.

Life – a journey of experiencing Eternity and manifesting it.


He has created you out of a part of Himself. You’re made of Him. He is one with you. You are living your life as a part of Him with capabilities of making your own decisions and living your own lifestyle — all from within Him. That’s the beauty of creation.
You always have a free choice to do whatever you want — a free will, if you will. However, the Father’s plan is altogether different. I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that His plans were, are and will always be absolutely perfect! He put everything in His Son. He created everything for Jesus. He designed and created everything to be held together in Jesus. That includes you, me and all of creation.

Inhabiting the Father – Part 2


Life is about being aware of Him. It takes absolutely NO effort on your part to make yourself aware of Him. He creates that awareness for you. Every time your mind takes you to Him, or you find yourself thinking of God, its Him making you aware. Your response will be to enjoy Him and live Him. This awareness is the experience of the reality of eternity — the experience of the reality of the Father as lived by Jesus. He is making you aware of the Father.

Inhabiting the Father – Part 4


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